Defence Command and Control System
Command and Control System for the Royal Australian Air Force to support their tactical and strategic air surveillance and battlespace management.
Both civil and defence data feeds were processed and stored for presentation on operator consoles used by Air Combat and Surveillance Operators.
Team Leader – Database Management / Near Real-time Interface Data Feeds
Full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) from Requirements to Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
Project Management activities – System requirements (analysis, derivation, allocation to subsystems, traceability and verification). Estimation, scheduling, resourcing, tracking and change management.
Design activities – Requirements packages for customer requirements review (Requirements Traceability Matrix, Requirements Verification Matrix). Performed trade studies supported by prototypes to develop software architectures. Design packages for customer design review – system architecture documents (system, subsystems, components and Interface Control Documents) – software design documents (Subsystem Interfaces, High Level Design, Detailed Design).
Software Development activities – Code development with integrated unit testing, code reviews, Canned Data testing, Software test architectures (stubs, simulators and frameworks).
Software Testing activities – Test documentation for Subsystem, Integration and Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT Test Plan and Test Procedures).