SCADA in Electrical Utilities
Replacement of a power utilities’ back end SCADA system with Schneider Electric’s Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) interfacing to the existing SCADA field infrastructure of Data Concentrators and RTUs.
Multi staged project to incrementally move the utilities’ operations and infrastructure to an ADMS.
Consulting Senior Engineer for the implementing Contractor.
Full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) from Requirements to Site Acceptance Testing (SAT).
With past experience in long term large systems engineering projects, it was recognised that customer engagement would play a major role in this project’s success. Understanding of the customer’s existing processes, interfaces and responsibilities was key in moving from requirements to implementation .
The existing ADMS product baseline was tailored to the customer’s final solution through careful Change Management. This involved the re-engineering of existing interfaces and creation of new ones as the ADMS was progressively integrated with the customers day to day business for operations, planning and maintenance.
Activities included the following:
Project Management – System requirements (gathering, analysis, traceability and verification). Estimation, scheduling, resourcing, tracking and change management. Configuration Management of documentation, software and test artefacts.
Design – Requirements management, system architecture documents (Interface Control Documents) – software design documents (Subsystem Interfaces, High Level Design, Detailed Design).
Data Migration & Translation – Development of bespoke software tools (in Java) and processes for the extensive migration and translation of legacy data and configuration into the ADMS.
Software Development – Software test harness plugins and architectures (stubs, simulators and frameworks).
Software Testing – Test documentation for Factory and Site Acceptance Testing (Test Plans, Test Scenarios and Test Cases).